Thursday, December 20, 2007
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Amy Winehouse

But did you see this website? These people are going to hell. For reals.
Monday, December 10, 2007
Interesting Headlines - 12/10/2007
Vick Sentenced to 23 months for dogfighting ring - read more here.
Crazy gunman kills two at missionary center - for reals, people are crazy. - Do you think this was a copycat of the Omaha shooting?
Daaaaaaaaaang Gina, she's gay?! - Queen Latifah more here. Check out the comments on that blog....she's really in for it if she plans on coming out to America...good luck girl.
And sorry guys, I'll get back to posting sooner or later...I've been mad busy. I'll get back by the weekend.
*Update - Officially cut my hair and I'm about 50% natural now. It was a shock - a HUGE one - but I made it though. Wish me luck on the remainder of my transition to beautiful, healthy, natural, hair...peace. Now my workout begins today - wish me luck at the gym! Big things poppin' in 2008.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
DC's first Winter Snow

Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Wait - Holdup - It's December?!
Oh and why are my credit card companies sending me blank checks like EVERYday trying to straight bamboozle me? I may be dumb, but I'm not THAT dumb. *Mental note* - I need a shredder.
But mostly, when December gets here I think of all of the things that I've accomplished, or haven't accomplished (ok mostly haven't accomplished) this year. On the bright side, it also motivates me to document all those things I haven't, and start making plans to put into action for the next year. So that's my plan for this week, to make my goal list for 2008 - not resolutions - goals. Should be fun. What are some of your goals for the new year?
A short list of mine include:
- Strengthening my relationship with God - finding a church home
- Living a healthier lifestyle - to include a healthier diet and exercise regimen
- Working towards my plans of starting a youth non-profit center
- Make smarter financial decisions - invest more money and budget wisely
Monday, December 3, 2007
Why is Family Guy Okay when Imus Wasn't?

But check out the article for yourself here.
What do you think?
Friday, November 30, 2007
The Truth - A Quote
— Oprah
Song of the day: India Arie - The Truth
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Back to Life....Back to Reality
Amy Winehouse - Just Friends
Beyonce feat some dude - He Still Loves Me (soundtrack to my life)
Patti Labelle - If Only You Knew
Van Hunt - Down Here in Hell (With You)
Common - Light
Here's one of the mp3's I fould from this morning's playlist:
I just WISH I could use my iPod at work. But there's always streaming music and podcasts! What online music do you listen to? Maybe you can give me some new sites to visit to find similar songs.
Until we meet again...
Monday, November 26, 2007
Right on Time - Prayer

Oh, here it is:
"Stars do not struggle to shine, rivers do not struggle to flow, and you will never struggle to excel in life, because you deserve the best. Hold on to your dream and it shall be well with you... Amen."
There will be a lot of people in your life who will spew negativity in the face of your dreams - almost unknowingly. I now realize that I only need to look to God for all encouragement I need in the midst of moving forward with all of those things I wish to pursue. Anything other than positivity I will choose to ignore.

Throughout the week of November 26,"NBC News With Brian Williams" will take a look at the issues facing African-American women across our nation in a new series "African-American Women: Where They Stand." The series will cover a wide-range of issues from their role in the '08 Presidential race, to the increased health-risks that they need to be concerned about.
Dreading Monday - Sleepy Rant

Luckily I found a good article on one of my favorite blogs, Afrobella, about transitioning from relaxed to natural hair. I started this journey about 4-5 months ago and so far so good. It is messing with my vanity just a bit [ok more than a little bit], but I can't wait to have natural and more importantly - HEALTHY/FREE hair. Yes, I'm questioning how I'm going to look, but I'm optimistic and so excited about this new journey.
I'd also found Nappturality about a year ago when I attempted once before (before giving in to the chemicals) - and the blog has pointed me back in the right direction - just when I was thinking about going back to relaxers.
I had a conversation with a caucasian female co-worker (yes, that one) about my hair regimen. Listening to myself it sounded so ridiculous that I paid so much money to get my hair straightened every 6 weeks. I mean A LOT of money went towards these products that damaged my hair. What was I thinking? I know she was definitely laughing silently on that one.
Who makes hair weave? Who makes relaxers - really? Why are we groomed from such a young age to get these chemicals that damage our hair? I know a lot of people believe their choice is completely independent of societal pressures, but I wonder if that's even possible. Is it?
What do you consider "pretty/handsome?" Be honest. I'd like to hear the male and female opinion firsthand.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Have a Blessed and Happy Thanksgiving!!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Christmas Shopping? - Keep it Black!

Carol's Daughter - beauty products for men and women
Karibu Books - black owned (afrocentric) bookstore
Swahili - African Home Decor and Accessories
Warm Spirit - beauty products for women
Phat Farm - clothing.accessories.fragrance.
Sean John - It's not just a label
Artistic Tees - Cool stuff check it out...
Greek 4 Life - All types of greek paraphernalia
Bob Marley Footwear - They contribute 10% of the profit of all shoes sold on this website to various charities in Jamaica as well as Hunger Task Forces throughout the world.
Dalinkwent - Lyrical clothing that stem from the core of today's inner city.
Applebottoms - Turn down your sound I got scared to DEATH
House of Dereon - If you wish...
Michael Knight - If you're into 'Project Runway' - you're already all over this!
Please provide any other companies and links that you may have and I will post them accordingly. Or if you're interested in a black-owned bank with the best rate around check this out.
'Pretty' is Gay - End of Story
*Ahem* Not that I watch this show. I'm way too sophisticated but....
It's ok Pretty we still love you. Just be you. Still cute, still FLYYYY...
Updates: Dr. Jan Adams, Kanye West, and Weezy
On a lighter note, I heard this madness this morning. Apparently Lil' Weezy (Mr. Single, Ready to Mingle, I got Pringles) will be featured as one of the men of the year in the December issue of GQ Magazine [surprisingly all of those nonsensical hooks and mixtapes paid off]. Y'all crazy...stop playin'. But big-ups to Kanye for making GQ's Man of the Year: better.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Photos of March on Hate Crimes - Nov 16, 2007

Parting Quote: "The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference.The opposite of art is not ugliness, it's indifference. The opposite of faith is not heresy, it's indifference. And the opposite of life is not death, it's indifference." - Elie Wiesel
Breaking News: Michael Vick Surrenders to U.S. Marshals

Great Gift Idea for Avid Book Readers

Lets say I’m looking up technical information for work, I’d have to wait until the end of the day to go to the bookstore to pick up a book directly pertaining to my project. Now I can just download a book, and get to helpful information within seconds. Sounds pretty useful to me - the Internet is great, but this may actually be it's new sidekick. I'm sure it'll have a few kinks at first, but this is a great idea. Now, lets just wait until this $400 price tag drops and the technology evolves a bit, then it's ON.
A few highlights:
Free wireless
Bestsellers and new releases are just $9.99 or less
Keeps the page where you left off reading.
High resolution screen
No cables/cords
Buy books, magazines, newspapers, and blogs right on your device
Holds over 200 titles
Weighs only 10.3 ounces
Can store your own word documents and pictures
Writers/Publishers get ready to be pissed -- book piracy on the move!
Price - mad expensive (should come with like 100 free books for that price, lol)
New technology - may have some kinks
Dr. Jan Adams to Plead His Case on "Larry King Live"

I can't wait to see what this man has to say. Apparently he wasn't even board certified in plastic surgery like many other t.v. plastic surgeons. However, he deserves his right to defend himself. I'm sure things like this happen more often than we know in a variety of patients around the world. It just so happens this patient was a relative of a pretty famous person. I'll hold judgement until I hear his case tomorrow.
The KKK Disbands: Leaves Their Job To Black Folks
KKK Quits
The KKK leader stepped to the podium, his hood
lowered around his shoulders and a look of disgust on
his face. He said, "Sorry guys but this will be our
last meeting; we're going out of business," A member
stood up in back. "But why sir?"
The leader sighed, "Well, reverend, the Blacks are
doing a better job getting rid of themselves than we
ever did, so we are no longer needed," There were
rumblings and protest. The leader raised his hand to
silence the Klan members, and said, "Their rap music
says more vile things about Black women than we ever
thought of."
The members grudgingly nodded in approval. The
Imperial Dragon continued: "And their women write
books and make songs that demean black men better than
my two speech writers ever could, looking down at two
men seated in
front who lowered their heads.
"They shoot each other constantly ", he continued;"
And as a group, they spend a huge amounts of money on
cars, liquor, that stuff they call bling bling, and
the proliferation of rap music -- as they talk about
all that in their magazines -- and nobody needs us to
talk about how a lot of their sorry butts keep playing
the race and victim cards while c complaining that other
groups are surpassing them in economic development and
supposedly getting more attention in schools.
Hell, they even support a so-called "Black Hair" DVD
that a white man is making money on, in four sequels
at $20.00 a pop.
They talk about how Koreans have taken over the
"black hair" industry, without acknowledging that
Black entrepreneurs had 100 years to get a monopoly or
entrenchment in the industry that Madam C.J Walker
founded 100 years ago, but got
out-hustled and out-strategized, while spending
investment capital elsewhere. Let's face it, they're
being hoisted by their own petards."!
Some members went looking for dictionaries, while
most members nodded as it hit them that their job was
finished; that Blacks had become their own worst
The leader shook his head. "It's time to go back to
our regular lives as policemen, judges and
congressmen, and leave the business of getting rid of
Blacks to Blacks. They are just better at it than us,"
He then threw his hood on the ground and walked off
the stage. Thus ended the last KKK meeting.
Wow - I get it, the message is loud and clear. I'm thinking maybe we need to change the focus of these rallies and marches and aim them at our own communities. We've been ignoring the problem for far too long.
You Can't Put me in a Box - My Soul Just Don't Fit in One...
Check this out too - YouTube find- - Love it or Hate it?
I'm tired of the same stuff on the radio/videos...I need some more music...
But dang, gotta go to bed, I'll post those pics from Friday later...
Friday, November 16, 2007
Todays the day - Hate Crime March on Washington

MLB After Barry Bonds - Hateration?
Now for the record, Barry Bonds has NOT been found guilty - and there is no concrete evidence stating that he DID use steroids; however this indictment and suspension will ruin whatever career and reputation he's built for himself over the years. I really hope that he's able to regain some sort of recognition for his accomplishments in baseball history - free of all of this steroid speculation. I really hope so.
[From fox sports]: "One way or another, Bonds is fighting a losing battle. Even if he escapes relatively unscathed from a legal perspective, his standing with the public is so low that the majority of fans are unlikely to forgive him. Not that he seems to care.
No, he won't recover like Martha Stewart, who agreed to a five-month prison term when confronted with similar charges. Stewart went to jail and 2½ years later, she is again a popular homemaking expert, having revived her business empire seemingly overnight.
Bonds, thanks to his surly personality, has built no such empire, even though he was the Michael Jordan of his sport. Fans wonder if a conviction would result in Selig placing an asterisk next to his records, but there would be no need. Bonds is a walking asterisk, a constant reminder of an unseemly era."
Thursday, November 15, 2007
*Sigh* - Case of the Thursdays...

Don't get me wrong, I like my job - it's a great opportunity for me to contribute to something bigger than myself. I like my co-workers (some of them) and I like what I'm doing. I just don't want to "HAVE" to work.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Traffic, Rants, & Expletives

1. People with no EZ-Pass/Smart Tag for the toll road (WTF)!!!! It feels exactly like those visa check card commercials when things are zooming and ish but then someone stops the WHOLE show to find cash to pay the toll – B*TCH go in the damn cash lane! This really gets on my last damn nerve….it’s 2007 folks. Let me upgrade you.
2. People going the 55 mph in the damn fast lane (on the rare occassion we're moving at regular speed). If you drive slow, and you see cars passed you consistently, move your ass over to the right…DAMN.
3. People who ride the exit/entrance lanes to get ahead of traffic but just cause more traffic. Unless it’s me, then it’s ok – shit I have places to be.
4. People rubbernecking when they see an accident on the side of the road. This has been known to delay my commute at least an hour for an accident that’s just on the SIDE of the road. Get a damn life.
5. People who have to come to a complete stop to make a right onto a side road. I mean seriously, there’s no light, no stop sign, is your car really that f*cked up that you can’t make a damn right turn without stopping? Where did you get your driver’s license?
6. Stop and go….bumper to bumper traffic….hate it. Wasting my damn gas.
7. People who brake for no reason, CONSTANTLY, learn how to drive in slow traffic without slamming on your breaks every 2 seconds. Especially when you’re a huge truck and I can’t see in front of you….
I know I’ve left some off, but maybe you can share the
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Panel May Cut Sentences For Crack
Britney Runs Red Light - Front Page CNN

Sunday, November 11, 2007
Dr. Donda West, Noted Scholar, And Kanye West's Mother, Dies At 58

Read More here -->
Check out his song "Hey Mama" here:
Kanye West & John Legend - Hey Mama (Live in Amsterdam, 2004)
If you can't listen to the song at work, here are the lyrics...
March on Washington 11.16.2007 - See ya there...
"With hate crimes and noose hangings on the rise across the country, we must have the federal government protect us from local hate and bigotry. From Mychal Bell in Jena, Louisiana, to Sean Bell in New York, it is time for the federal government to intervene, and you can help us achieve this objective. "
Friday, November 9, 2007
High School Colored Sign Controversy
Come to find out a black student is the one who put up the signs. What do you think? Was he making a statement? Or making a mockery of Black History?
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Hometown Hero, Gotta Love Him

Stop the Insanity!!!!

Check this out -->
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Work, Chitlins, and White Folks

Jane: "What's that food that African Americans eat? It's not grits but something else...?"
Jane: "It's kind of gross"
Jane: I am sure that ALL people eat it but I have heard how some like it the best
Jane: I think it's intestines...
Jane: Do you know what I'm talking about?
That's it in a nutshell. But I hadn't noticed the message until she called immediately after I hadn't answered.
The phone convo went a little something like this....
Jane: Hey girl!!! (trying to sound black like we're cool like that)
Me: Um...hello, what's up?
Jane: Did you get my message.
Me: Oooohh, no, let me check.
Me: *speechless*
Jane: I just wanted to make sure you didn't take it the wrong way
Jane: Some of my best friends are.....blah blah blah
Me: I think what you're referring to are chitterlings. They are more of a Southern dish than an "African American" dish.
Jane: Oh. Strange question huh?
Me: Very odd. I don't think anyone's ever asked me a question like that before.
Me: What made you ask that question?
Jane: I was talking to someone about becoming vegetarian and it came up...
Me: Oh.
*Awkward silence.
Jane: I guess I'll go now.
Ok, y'all, come on now.
Mind you, this is the same woman who tries to let me know how "down" she is by saying she likes certain black artists (who she can never remember the name of) and straight asked me if I had on a wig when I changed my hairstyle. Oh and made a special effort to say that she doesn't like black men and would never date them. She had a couple chase her HARD (calling nonstop, leaving notes on her car, etc.), but will NOT date them. Mind you, the chick is not Angelina at all (but that's another post right there in itself - some blk men have mad issues). But I held it down, kept my composure, and had a good laugh off this ish.
But here's my theory. Lets keep it real - racism/envy exists even in the workplace. I'm a pretty educated chick - B.S. in Computer Science, M.S. in Engineering, working as a software engineer - I don't think that ish matters, it's the fact that I'm BLACK (woops I mean "African American"). This woman is also a software engineer (working with outdated technologies), but doesn't have the education to back it up. I'm thinking that these conversations she likes to have with me are a way to knock me back down to size. That ish definitely worked yesterday. I felt REAL colored, lol. Good job Jane.
I should've said something stupid as hell too, like, "what are those things Caucasian Americans keep hanging? I know ALL people probably hang them, but I hear whites like it best. Um....not burning crosses, but.....what is it again?" Jk, jk....dang.
Truth is, I don't think "Jane" is really all that racist. And, I'm not really upset - just annoyed. I think she just has no idea how to act around blk folks. Or maybe the problem with our society is that we're TOO race sensitive and need more folks like Jane to just ask the uncomfortable questions to learn more about race-sensitive issues. But f*ck that, she better not cross me again with that ish, lol. I might not be in the mood to be so friendly next time. But on a serious note: What would you have done?
A blk co-worker of mine gave me some great advice. She says the woman needs to 1) Check the motive of her curiousity and 2) the way she asks a question. Example: If asked to a Mexican American, which one of these questions would fly: 1) Why y'all be hittin pinatas with sticks?, 2) I'm curious, can you tell me the origin of pinata tradition?, or 3) What's that silly thing Mexican people hit with sticks? (You decide)
She also gave me a good bible verse that was perfect for this situation (had to go to the LORD with this one y'all) --> "But foolish and unlearned questions avoid, knowing they do gender strifes." - 2 Timothy 2:23
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Personal Playlist - Share Yours

Umi Says - Mos Def
Dreaming on a Broken Heart - John Mayer - so true....*sniffles*
*Oh and congrats FAMU on winning your homecoming game against NCA&T. Although they tried to hate on the Marching 100, we still killed it at halftime and won the game.
Friday, November 2, 2007
Arrest made in Oprah school abuse case
Update!! [11/5/2007] --
T-Pain Arrested - but LOOK at that Pic

Why is CNN all in Britney's Biz?
Thursday, November 1, 2007
CNN: The Noose Follow-up
Bounty Hunter Caught Up!!

To read the story and listen to the phone conversation (which is quite ironic I must add) below -->
The Noose: An American Nightmare
If you're like me you're tired of hearing about these noose incidents. It's shocking to me that people do not understand the significance of the noose, and what it represents to black people living in America. It's one of the most offensive symbols (along with the confederate flag) that really bring back horrible memories of what was done to our ancestors. I'm really looking forward to this program, and hope that they are able to illustrate exactly why the noose is a symbol of hatred in our country.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Buy an Excuse to Skip School/Work
*UPDATE* - Because I know you care, lol - They ended up replacing my iPod (for free) considering I'd only had it for a few months before it started giving me problems. So all is well in the world again. Downside is I no longer have the custom engraving and lost a lot of my music (but it's all good).
Rappers these Days....
Who are your favorite artists? And has your opinion of "good" music changed at all in the past 10 years? How so?
Listening to Genarlow Wilson (who was finally released, YAY!!!) on the radio now...I'll catch y'all later.....
G.I. City Statistics

Population (year 2006): 97,715 (-4.9% change)
Median household income in Gary: $25,496 (was $27,195 in 2000)
Median household income in state of Indiana: $43,993
Median house/condo value in 2005 in Gary: $63,000
*note Gary, IN is about 30 miles (or less) from Chicago, IL
Median house/condo value in the state of Indiana: $114,400
Percentage of residents living in poverty in 2005: 34.2%
Races in Gary:
Black 84%
White (Non-Hispanic) 10.1%
Hispanic 4.9%
Other Race 2%
Two or more races 1.7%
American Indiana .7%
For population 25 years and over in Gary
High School or higher: 72.7%
Bachelors degree or higher: 10.1%
Graduate or professional degree: 4.0%
Unemployed: 14.9%
Mean travel time to work: 26.1 miles
Gary compared to Indiana state average:
Median house value below state average.
Unemployed percentage above state average.
Black race population percentage above state average.
Hispanic race population percentage above state average.
Foreign-born population percentage below state average.
Percentage of population with a bachelor's degree or higher below state average.
Can you interpret anything from these statistics? The goal is to translate these statistics into action. However, who knows where to even start? I've always thought that at the root of our problems is a lack of a solid educational foundation, not to mention lack of parental involvement for various reasons. However, it will take a huge effort to resurrect our school system. Students, parents, and faculty are all more than a bit disillusioned at this point. What can I possibly do to help?
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Friday, October 26, 2007
Gary, Indiana - Forgotten City
Found this video on YouTube. You hate to see your hometown portrayed in such a negative light, but I must admit it's time for us to do something about it. How can we resurrect our city? Lets reflect. I'll include some city stats, that I'm sure mirror those in many ghetto's around the United States, in my next post...stay tuned.
"I am pleased now that I have lived in a gay as well as a religious ghetto, though it hasn't been very comfortable. Taken together, their limitations cancel each other out and I have seen the world more kindly and more honestly."
Lionel Blue
Thursday, October 25, 2007
I Need HELP!

Hello all - I'm at work so I'll be quick (excuse the typos). I've been in the process of writing a proposal for a government grant for a non-profit organization I'd like to start. To be honest, I'm generally pretty private about my personal business, but I need HELP! So, I'll give a little bit of background information.
I'm originally from Gary, Indiana (seen above), and went to an HBCU to study Computer Science. Throughout my studies, I noticed that there is a large disparity of African Americans (particularly African American women) studying within the fields of the Sciences and Mathematics (when compared to other races). As a prior member of an existing organization (known as the Louis Stokes Association for Minority Participation) I realized how helpful the organization was for young adults such as myself. Therefore, I decided to start a non-profit in my hometown that will provide students (grades 5-12) with an outlet to reach their dreams as well. There is a desperate need to get students more involved in their own education - specifically in areas of mathematics, science, and technology.
Ok, moving on...I won't get into all of the specifics, but I could really use a mentor to help not only with my grant-writing process, but also with helping me to get the organization off the ground and running. I need an entire business plan, some commercial office space, a board, etc. I must admit that it's a lot of work for someone who works full-time and is in the process of pursuing a technical certification for work (sucks). But this IS my passion and I want to make sure that my ideas are translated into an AWESOME non-profit center that may make a difference in the lives of a few kids in my hometown. HELP!! If you know of anyone who may be of assistance please respond with any references you may have. Thanks in advance, you have no idea how much I appreciate it.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Funny or Not?
Oh wait, before you get too angry...check this out...
Tip of the Day - Dodge Speed Traps
Hilary Clinton's Essence Mag Article

Sen. Clinton said she is 'really happy' she made the decision to stay with husband Bill.
WASHINGTON (CNN) — Former President Bill Clinton is quite the romantic husband, according to wife Hillary.
The Democratic presidential frontrunner discusses her relationship with her famous spouse in the latest issue of Essence Magazine, describing how the former president often showers her with gifts when returning from trips abroad.
"He's so romantic. He's always bringing me back things from his trips," the New York senator told the magazine. "He brought me a giant wooden giraffe from Africa. Oh, he bought me this watch…I had dental surgery, and he said it reminded him of teeth.”
Clinton adds she is "really happy" she decided to stay with her husband following the news of his affair in 1996 with then-White House intern Monica Lewinsky.
"Obviously we've had challenges as everybody in the world knows," she told the magazine. “But I never doubted that it was a marriage worth investing in even in the midst of those challenges and I'm really happy that I made that decision."
"Again, not a decision for everybody," she continued. "And I think it's so important for women to stand up for the right of women to make a decision that is best for them.”
Clinton also describes her first impressions of the future president when passing him by chance at Yale Law School in 1971.
"I thought he was very attractive. I mean, he was tall. At the time he had long hair and a red beard. His hair was much more red-gold, and it was curly, and he had a vikingesque beard."
– CNN Ticker Producer Alexander Mooney
SCREAM for Darfur!!!
Please watch....
"You must be the change you wish to see in the world." - Mahatma Gandhi
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Cosby is Right and we KNOW it!!!
I hope you all get upset, so upset that you read the book, so upset that you decide to do something to bring about change, so upset that we all stop b*tching and whining and start coming up with solutions like Mr. Cosby has done - he may not have all the answers, but what he HAS done is start to come up with solutions - and that is commendable.
Noone wants to hear this ish - especially from Grandpa Cosby all over Meet the Press, but lets change it up. Lets be that younger voice - instead of Jay-Z and Nelly doing it for us [clearly we need help when THEY are our voice]. But don't fault the man for really "keepin it real." I'm just sayin...
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
National Black Out Day!!! 11/2
Please spread to at least five other people and make sure you inform them to send the info to five other people, to spread the word.
National Black Out Day on November 2….Do not make any purchases on this day AND please do not make any major $ amount purchases, the day before or the day after because then the Black Out will be of no effect. This is from 102.5 radio station ( Atlanta ); they are asking their listeners to spread the word for those who may not listen to the station. This is the second phase from theJena 6 and many other cities and people of color are facing similar situation like the Jena 6.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Drill Instructors go free in Martin Lee Anderson case

If you haven't heard about this case, like myself, here's the gist of it:
Eight drill instructors at a Florida [Bay County] bootcamp [the instructors' names are Henry Dickens, Charles Enfinger, Patrick Garrett, Raymond Hauck, Charles Helms Jr., Henry McFadden Jr., Joseph Walsh II and camp nurse Kristin Schmidt] were arrested in the murder of Martin Lee Anderson, a 14 year old boy. The murder of 14 year old Martin Lee Anderson was all caught on video survellience tape. However, recently [Friday] all 8 were set free after 90 minutes of deliberations by Judge Michael Overstreet and an all-white jury.
I don't know about you, but I don't think cases like this are getting the press they deserve. We have a huge problem with people in positions of "authority" who let that little bit of "power" get to their head and decide to play God. Let's call it what it is -- racist, unjust, cruel.... This needs to stop. This is a huge INJUSTICE and the word needs to be spread. To read more on this story please visit this link. Get the word out....
"We, unlike Nazi Germany or Mussolini's Italy, have never stopped being a nation of laws, not of men. But witness how men with motives and a majority can manipulate law to cruel and unjust ends." Robert Byrd
Caught up!!! - Well Maybe...

"October 15, 2007. Tyler Perry's movie Why Did I Get Married was the weekend's biggest grossing movie. But it now looks like one of the actors, Michael Jai White, may be asking himself why he got married - in real life. That's because according to one of's faithful readers, Michael may be having an affair on his wife.
Here's what our reader had to say:
Before the release or even press about Tyler Perry's movie "Why did I get Married?", I was working as a waitress in an Atlanta restaurant; Michael Jai White was pretty much a regular, coming in 2-3 times a month at that time, and almost each time he came in, he was with a different woman on a date. This was apparent by the interaction he had with each woman.
The only time he was not with a different woman was one time he came in with Richard T. Jones, who is also in the movie. On one particular visit, Michael came in and had a romantic dinner with Tasha Smith, she is also in Tyler Perry's new film. They were kissing across the table, looking into each other's eyes, damn near making love. They looked like they had already, or were ready to devour one another, although she seemed much more into him than he was her. I walked by the table one time and heard her say to him "I love the way your lips feel." They were mad into each other, like they were the only ones there.
This would all be cool if Michael Jai White was not a married man. His wife is a doctor, an attractive, light skinned woman, and she was one of the women he came into the restaurant with; I held her credit card in my hand, which read her first name (which I don't remember, last name (White, MD). The nerve to bring your wife to a place where you've brought at least 3 other women in what were obviously romantic dates.
Michael, we really hope that you were just having innocent dinners with all those women...."
Daaaaaaaaaaang, let's hope this is NOT true. I'm actually a bit shocked that he was caught "with WOMEN." I always thought he was a bit "suspect." But for all we know they were just his "girlfriends" and not the way it's being reported. I'm just sayin...
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Peep it! -- Why Did I Get Married?
If you haven't seen it yet, where in the HELL have you been???? Can't wait til it's out on DVD, it's definitely gonna be a classic. Well done Tyler, I'm def impressed. But on the real, Jill Scott KILLED it...she made the movie. Angela and Marcus were also HILarious. Too much...
Rapper T.I. arrested on machine gun charges, misses BET show

Priest 'only pretending to be gay'

"VATICAN CITY (AP) -- A Vatican official suspended after being caught on hidden camera making advances to a young man said in an interview published Sunday that he is not gay and was only pretending to be gay as part of his work.
Stenico was suspended by the Vatican after he was caught on tape making sexual advances at a young man.
In an interview with La Repubblica newspaper, Monsignor Tommaso Stenico said he frequented online gay chat rooms and met with gay men as part of his work as a psychoanalyst.
He said that he pretended to be gay in order to gather information about "those who damage the image of the Church with homosexual activity."
Vatican teaching holds that homosexual activity is a sin.
"It's all false; it was a trap. I was a victim of my own attempts to contribute to cleaning up the Church with my psychoanalyst work," La Repubblica quoted Stenico as saying.
Vatican spokesman the Rev. Federico Lombardi said Saturday that the monsignor had been suspended pending a Vatican investigation.
Stenico is a top official in the Vatican's Congregation of the Clergy. The Vatican acted after officials recognized Stenico's office in the background of a television program on gay priests that was broadcast on Oct. 1 on La7, a private Italian TV network.
Stenico was secretly filmed making advances to a young man and asserting that gay sex was not sinful. In the Repubblica interview, Stenico said he had met with the young man and pretended to talk about homosexuality "to better understand this mysterious and faraway world which, by the fault of a few people -- among them some priests -- is doing so much harm to the Church."
He said he had never been gay and was heterosexual, but remained faithful to his vow of celibacy.
Italy's Sky TG24 said Stenico had written a letter to his superiors with a similar defense. Calls to Stenico's home and Vatican office went unanswered Sunday. "
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Talib Kweli feat. Kanye West - In the Mood
Why I LOVE the Washington Post

Collard greens are often cooked with fatback or other meat flavorings, but the recipes you'll find in the Oct. 10 issue of Food are lighter and meatless.
Check out Collards With a Dash of Soul and Collard Green Won Tons -- both are available online at"
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
My Steve Jobs Beef

So what did I do next?
I surfed the net and got the grand idea to reset it (by pressing the Menu and Select buttons). Still - no luck. For something that costs $300, it seems like it should have some more "advanced" reset functions, but nope.
Oh and I got adware on my machine when I tried downloading a program that would save all my files from my iPod to my computer (similar to Senuti but for PC's ) and the ish didn't work anyway cuz my damn iPod is DEAD!!!! [ok breathing, 3, 2, 1....1, 2, 3....Nam Nyoho Renge Kyooooooooooo]
On the bright side, it didn't catch on fire. But at least then I'd get on the news for my 15 seconds of flame....
Also, do those ipod headphones fit in your ears? I mean are my ears deformed or something? How can people walk around with them without them falling out? For the price we pay for it, we should get headphones that are worth more than 50 cents [they are cute and trendy though]. I can take a $150 flight (half the price of my iPod) and get better headphones for free.
I've officially changed my mind - I'm boycotting the iPhone....not only because I'm cheap and can't afford it, lol...nope, but because if it's anything like my iPod, I can't rely on it as my primary phone.
Anyway - hit me up if you know how to revive the damn thing. I could really use my music during my horrible daily commute [DC area traffic is the WORST]. I have the same WHACK mix cds on rotation and if I hear "Umb-ur-ella ella ella ay ay ay ay" one more TIME!!!!! I don't have time for this STEVE. *Sigh* Peace....
Monday, October 8, 2007

Saturday, October 6, 2007
Who's John Mellancamp?

While searching for the vid on YouTube, of course there was a lot of racist comments on there. Check it out if you want, but I'd recommend not doing that. Some people are just plain off-the-charts IGNORANT, and def not worth getting all upset about. Oh, but if you want to see the the play button below: