Don't get me wrong, I like my job - it's a great opportunity for me to contribute to something bigger than myself. I like my co-workers (some of them) and I like what I'm doing. I just don't want to "HAVE" to work.
Since when did I start feeling all entitled to everything without working? I don't know - I blame Paris Hilton and the media. I can't say I'm all that spoiled, but the fact is, I just want to win the lottery and do whatever the hell I want to do. I need a vacation. A good two-week vacation away from work. When will I ever get this? I can't say I've really had two weeks off all at once since college 3 years ago. This should be illegal. I'm tired of my alarm clock, taxes, time sheets, mortgage payments, traffic, work politics...somebody help me!
Ok, I know I'm making absolutely no sense, but it's because I'm trying to type while sitting here at my desk....sighing...praying that the clock moves a bit faster....praying that I'll win the lottery without even playing....
*Thanks for listening to me vent....I need to watch Office Space tonight....ASAP.
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