Okay, I've been so immersed in this political coverage for the last couple of months, that it's invaded my dreams. Seriously, I woke up this morning stressed (the f*ck) OUT after watching non-stop Ballot Bowl 2008 coverage. It reminds me of how addicted I was to watching the news after September 11th - I know weird. That also, wasn't a good time for my sleep. But for real, I'm seriously over this thing though - talk about over-saturation of the media - jeez. Either way, we need a definitive answer to who's going to be the Democratic nominee on MARCH 4TH - and deal with it. Please, I can't take anymore.....SHOOOOOOOT! I'm tired of hearing about it. The same lame arguments, same speeches, same rallies, deep down knowing whoever wins is no Superman [however, I agree anyone is better than Bush] so.....LET'S MOVE ON! Oh and if they mention the word "African American" or "Woman" or "Latino vote" ONE more time....wtf?...talk about divisive politics - what the HELL is the point? Why can't they just be Americans? Why do these demographics have to be explicitly called out in every newscast? See, now I don't like latinos....I blame CNN (kidding). But seriously, if there's a point, I'd like to know...
This contest is getting so negative and SO intense, that I fear that the Democratic party will not be able to unite and rally around the chosen candidate (whoever that may be) and win in the general election. Even though the opponent is an OLD man who supports the war for 100 more years and could care less about economic policy.
Ok, that's it. Just had to vent...
I'm so over political coverage...now I can focus on what's important:
Girlicious??? For real, you need to just give me your TV. I'll be over to get it at about 8pm, just in time to save you from prime time. Though, admittedly, this cycle of ANTM is looking pretty whack.
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