Thursday, October 4, 2007

Police: Black student marked with 'KKK' at deaf school

Ok, what the HELL is going on with all these racial incidents taking over the news - can we get back to Britney and OJ? Ok, ok at some point we are going to have to address the issue of racism HEAD-ON in this country. We need to throw political correctness out the door [or is it the window? whatever...] and start getting real.

But come on, I'm shocked this happened in Chocolate City of all places AND at the school for the deaf...are you serious? What in the world....

Click HERE for more information.


Anonymous said...

What is up with the one Black student that participated in this crime against the other Black Student?

dclawchic said...

Guess what - everybody can be racist! deaf folks, blind folks (dave chappelle), crippled folks, whoever.. join the wagon!

Anonymous said...

It feels more like 1957 than 2007.