Apparently, a 14 year old teenager was shot [in the head] and KILLED by an off-duty police officer in the southeast neighborhood of DC. Now I know this happens all the time, but does that make it OK?
Alright, so here's what I know so far [courtesy of Fox 5 DC]. Police say a 14-year-old shot at officers several times before the officers returned fire, killing him, Monday night.
The teen was taken to Children's Hospital in critical condition, but later died.
The incident happened along the 600-block of Atlantic Street Southeast, where DC Police Chief Lanier and Mayor Adrian Fenty met to brief reporters on the situation.
Both officers involved were in plainclothes reportedly working an investigation.
My questions are #1 why was this young teenager shooting at these police officers while they were off-duty investigating another incident? And #2, why do I hear this story so often? Check this out.
I mean call this ish a conspiracy...but this story of the "young black man just walked up to the police officers [notice the plurality] and started shooting" story sounds kind of weak. What's really going on here?
Yea yea, now let me be objective --> the officers could've been victims of this young boy's shooting spree and in a moment of desparation decided to protect themselves and others at the scene. I'll wait for more information before furthering my conspiracy theories. But this story, like many others I'm sure, will disappear into thin air. So I'll work on my investigative skills, and keep you in the loop.
Ok [btw, I say "OK" a lot...I need to work on that], and I promise I'll lighten this blog up a bit. Especially since I saw the Hills tonight and noticed that Lauren and Jason may get together again. Awww, young naive love. Aint it grand?
Parting quote: "Everything we shut our eyes to, everything we run away from, everything we deny, denigrate or despise, serves to defeat us in the end. What seems nasty, painful, evil, can become a source of beauty, joy, and strength, if faced with an open mind." - Henry Miller
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